Terms of Use
1. Declaration/Scope
The online portal mygarden.com is a service from Burda Senator Verlag GmbH, Hubert-Burda-Platz 1, 77652 Offenburg.
2. Granting of Rights
Intellectual property rights and related rights are governed by the Granting of Rights.
3. Prohibited Content
Content which is made accessible to other users of the service from mygarden.com may not infringe on legal prohibitions or common decency, nor violate the rights of third parties (name, identity, copy or data protection rights etc.).
The dissemination of content which is directly or indirectly pornographic, glorifies violence or is hateful, calls to commit a crime or depicts instructions therefor, and violates the political or religious beliefs of third parties in particular is expressly forbidden.
Furthermore, no content may be distributed via mygarden.com which contains or presents viruses or unsolicited mass mailings (“spam”) and/or is distributed for commercial or other advertising purposes.
4. Consequences of Violations
In the event of violations against these Terms of Use, the provider of mygarden.com reserves the right to remove the corresponding content from the service or to change it. The user concerned may be temporarily or permanently excluded from use.
The user releases mygarden.com from lawful claims from third parties which are enforced against mygarden.com, its legal representatives, and/or agents as a result of a violation of Sections 2. and/or 3.
5. Data Protection
Burda Senator Verlag GmbH complies with applicable data protection laws. The Privacy Policy on mygarden.com gives you further detail
6. Continuation of the Service
Burda Senator Verlag GmbH may decide at any time to stop the entire service or part thereof and to only operate as a fee paying service or modify the service in the future. Under no circumstances do users have any claims for compensation resulting from or relating to the deletion of any photos or other content they have uploaded. Rather, the user is solely responsible to create back-ups of its data.
7. Participation in Sweepstakes
Depending on the character of the sweepstake, there may be further applicable provisions in addition to these general terms and conditions. The specific terms of the respective sweepstake govern; and take precedence over these general terms and conditions in the event of a conflict.
Violation of the general or specific sweepstake which influence equal opportunities through technical manipulation, the transfer of false information about a person or a similar, serious violation can lead to - if necessary after the end of the sweepstake - exclusion from participation, at the discretion of the provider.
Legal recourse is excluded. Material prizes cannot be paid out in cash. Employees of the provider and employees connected to the company in the sense of §§ 15 ff. of the Stock Corporation Act are excluded from participation in sweepstakes. This also applies to employees of companies which have provided the prizes.
8. Copyright
All content shown here is solely for personal information. Further use for other purposes is not permitted without the express permission of the provider.
As of: December 2020